Nostalgiasmith’s Reviews

  • I-magine!

    The Kagemusha's modulating left hand decoys the single tones into paradiddles of hooves on soft earth. Approaching armies of broken 16ths or 32nds dance in formations that mesmerise the ear. As furinkazan wave and bamboo dynamics shout or murmur, you reach for uchigatana or mallet.

    Marimba Ripples14 October 2021
  • I-magine!

    Keith Jarrett has a nocturnal mid-summer dream. The grand piano is lost and only the electro-mechanical whispers of Middle Earth remain to entice his fingers. The playing yearns for staccato at dizzying tempi, but his disobeying fingers desire long release and warm held spaces.

    14 October 2021
  • I-magine!

    A night to remember; fearful ice on metal pacified by escaping steam that tempers the dreadful sound. A Mishima of glass that is both toughened and fragile; drawing you down into strange waters. Larghetto drowning below middle sea should never be this inviting.

    Harmonic Flights14 October 2021
  • I-magine!

    You're on a Mission into the dense interior of Paraguay; the jungle air is claustrophobic but somehow also light and sweet. The sound echoes with hints of Buddhist temples and the cobbles of beneath Brooklyn Bridge, and with just a touch a reverb you are in an outer space that is no longer silent.

    Misty Flute14 October 2021
  • I-magine!

    A longs slow drive through the streets of SF to the bay. Bernard is by your side humming a foreboding melody for strings. You turn the wheel and pitch down each chordal hill; inducing a feeling of vertigo. And finally, at waters edge, like the taste of a Madeleine you load a shorter patch for diving in.