The story

I created this instrument by recording several drones that I made using cross phase modulation on a modular synth. The core outputs of the VCOs (that are not affected by phase modulation) are mixed and filtered to create the ‘fund’ or bass layer of the instrument. The harmonically rich tones where recorded at the same time without any filtering. These are used for the ‘grit’ layer. Afterwards I added a human element to the instrument by recording some singing (for lack of a better word), which I then processed to add an airy and sometimes distorted texture to the instrument called ‘air’.

I’m both amazed and intimidated by the level of creativity in some of the cinematic sample libraries from Spitfire (for example the contemporary toolkit) and people like Cameron from Venus Theory, so I’m trying out different approaches to create rich and evolving sounds and virtual instruments.

As an exercise in both sound design and programming I’m trying to create these ‘nontemporary toolkits’ inside Decent Sampler (and Ableton) with increased levels of complexity each time I make a new instrument. My goal for this instrument was to create several layers that can be mixed together, instead of mapping different zones to different sounds like I did in Angelic Dramatic. I also stepped up my game when it comes to the custom UI image.

In short…

There’s 3 layers: fund (bass), air (vocals) and grit (harsh cross phase modulated timbres).
You can mix these layers by using the controls (from 0-100%).
There’s a 2 pole lowpass filter with a control knob (390hz – 22kHz)
CC1 and CC11 are mapped to the level of the ‘grit’ layer and to the frequency of the filter.
The envelopes are fixed to keep the musician focussed on the textures and timbres.
The samples are not looping but they are long. The samples fade out at the end (after about 1.5 to 2 minutes).





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