FUNNYMAN2’s Reviews

  • Daaaaamn

    Ah it's really well made I must say! It's so clean for something that's supposed to be noisy, great job! Maybe the beeps are a little too much, but I don't mind it, I just don't have to use them :>

    A/C05 July 2023
  • It is more siney than flutive

    It is mostly a sine wave with no noise until you get it up a good few decibels. It doesn't really have overtones (or harmonics) that makes it sound like a wind whistle.
    Also, it's only on the left side for headphones. Not too unfixable on the player's hand, but it would be handier if it was at least taken to mono first.
    I do love that image though, great choice, but the controls blend a bit too much, they could be much darker or brighter to be easier to see.

    Windy Whistle28 August 2022