The story
This is my very first attempt at doing a sample library.
The initial goal was to have a library I could use to create chord from flutes, not unlike the Suzuki Andes 25F keyboard but with a bit more character.
For this I used a 3 flutes, the type of which you find for a couple of euros/pounds at flea market and second hand shops. You try a note on it and decide you like the breathy and wooden tone, thinking “hey I’m sure I can use that for something at some point”.
You bring them home and quickly realized they’re way out of tune, not in any particular key, and would require a small air compressor to play more than 3 notes in a row.
So I decided to compile mine into a small library using these flutes. It covers around 2.5 octaves with 3 round robins per note. I added elements like extra lip spit, the tap of the fingers falling on each note holes so they’re in tune for each note, Extra Breath sound and Tongue rolls all for each notes.
All are triggered with an on-screen button or with a persistent note switch since you can stack them each needs to be “turned off” by using the same key switch and pre-assigned to CCs both indicated on screen I recorded these as dry as possible and added a convolution reverb using a 3ft by 6ft sheet of metal as impulse response for a massive sound and cool effects Key switches and CC controls are explained in the included Readme

Reviews for Odd Flutes
- Sound
- Character
- Playability
- Inspiration
Leave a review to let others know what you thought of the instrument!
Best one so far
Wow, this is the best sample library I've tried from pianobook so far, great work!
Many reasons to love this!
This is a lovely, lovely flute patch with some heavy articulation customization features. The sound is very nice and warm right out ofthe box, with high quality sampling too! You will see different keyswitches mapped in a convenient way, each one representing a different articulation. Also you gotta admit that the changing colours are very cool and handy! The reverb addition is also cool, though be careful because it may greatly raise the volume.
What is really missing for me is a Release knob available, because I like using such a sound like a soft pad with a long attack and release. Good news for me, since it's programmed in a way that you can use the ones inside the instrument settings through the instruments "Edit Mode" (wrench icon on the top left) and going down to the Modulation area. It works!
Lots of Great Sound Options
Very well-programmed instrument. Offers a lot of midi CC control options. Sounds great. Highly recommended.
A nice flute sound with plenty of customisability
An amazing entry into the world of sample packs! A lot of effort has gone into customisability and extension of the basic sound with the addition of controlled breath and 'spit' noise, finger taps and flutter-tonguing. I probably can't get the most out of all this without a midi cc controller, but still appreciate the ability to tweak the sound with the UI knob/buttons!
The in-built reverb also sounds amazing and provides for really nice pad sounds which can be further tweaked with the pass-filter.
As a folk instrument lover I would've loved button or level knobs to be able to hear / use each individual flute, but appreciate that it might not be possible to achieve consistent or high quality sounds from individual instruments of this nature. I think some legato options could also take this to the next level, so I'm planning to test some of those out in future!
Overall a really high-quality first submission, and I'm looking forward to more in the future!
Great Character
This is a wonderful instrument with a lot of character. I especially enjoy the ability to blend the additional sounds of "lip", "extra breath", and "tongue rolls". This feature is what makes this instrument great.