The story

Captivated by the haunting allure of abandoned buildings and factories scattered throughout my hometown in Upper Silesia, I find solace in their unique post-apocalyptic ambiance, a strangely calming presence. Eternally drawn to the echoes of an era when my ancestors endured unimaginable hardships I always look for sonical signs.

I connected with a fellow enthusiast who shares my passion for collecting vintage synths, sparking the idea to immortalize their essence through a virtual instrument. Spending many hours experimenting with the Junost 21, we meticulously recorded its most captivating sounds. Through multiple processing iterations, the initial prototypes came to life.

Created for free virtual sampler – Decent Sampler and Logic Sampler.

Introducing the Free Edition package, featuring these distinct instruments:
1. Red Dawn – the most iconic preset in this collection, evoking a cold, rough, Blade Runner-like atmosphere.
2. Icicles – sounds like a Soviet fairy-tale in the deepest Siberia.
3. First In The Universe – organ-like sound celebrating brutal conquest of space.

You can download The Free Edition on this page!

The Full Edition package additionally contains:
4. Nagant – bass hit like a bullet from a revolver.
5. Lost Connection – a sonic representation of a post-apocalyptic loss of connection, filled with interferences and imperfections.
6. Cinescope – Have you ever tried knocking on an old CRT TV screen? Here’s my sonical image of it.
7. Golden Age – nostalgic and gritty sound, reminiscent of the false nostalgia many feel towards the Soviet Union.

You can buy The Full Edition package here:

It’s strongly recommended to use the Decent Sampler version if possible to get the best results and be able to use high-quality impulse responses baked into Decent Sampler!



Reviews for Junost 21 // Soviet Virtual Synth

Leave a review to let others know what you thought of the instrument!

  • Great sound, almost perfect

    Two issues here: the folder looks empty when you open it, but it works if you right click and extract the files. The interface uses unique names, and the knobs don't quite work as expected, but it's not too much of a problem.

    The installation and GUI quirks are worth it. I will for sure be using this pack for future songs. Great sounds, and a crazy tremolo knob. I could use this for something ethereal or grungy, or space themed, or as an ambient soundtrack for exploring some long abandoned brutalist structure.

    Aesopolis06 April 2024