Are Pianobook Sample Packs Royalty Free or Free for Commercial Use?

Yes, all sample packs uploaded to the Pianobook website should* be copyright free. By uploading the sample pack, the Samplist (uploader) agrees for the packs to be downloaded and used by members of the Pianobook Community on any commercial and non-commercial compositions.

It is forbidden to sell or redistribute the sample libraries that you do not own the copyright to (e.g. you are not the uploader).

For more information, please consult our End User License Agreement.

* we cannot guarantee sample packs uploaded to this site are copyright free as the responsibility of ensuring this is in the hands of the Samplist (uploader). We will remove any sample packs that breach our EULA, but do not take any responsibility for copyright infringements as a result of using sample packs found on this site.